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For a complete listing of publications please see Jenna's Stanford profile.
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- Winter, J. ., Darmstadt, G., & Davis, J. (2021). The role of piped water supplies in advancing health, economic development, and gender equality in rural communities. Social Science & Medicine.
- Powers, J., McMurry, C., Gannon, S., Drolet, A., Oremo, J., Klein, L., Crider, Y., Davis, J., & Pickering, A. (2021). Design, performance, and demand for a novel in-line chlorine doser to increase safe water access. npj Clean Water, 4(4).
- Russel, K., Buman, M., Davis, J., & Haskell, W. (2020). Estimating energy expenditure of head-hauling water and grain grinding from heart rate monitor measurements in northern Mozambique. Public Health Nutrition, 23(16), 2886-2897.
- Kwong, L., Ercumen, A., Pickering, A., Arsenault, J., Islam, M., Parvez, S., Unicomb, L., Rahman, M., Davis, J., & Luby, S. (2020). Ingestion of Fecal Bacteria along Multiple Pathways by Young Children in Rural Bangladesh Participating in a Cluster-Randomized Trial of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(21), 13828–13838.
- Jennings, W. ., Cunniff, S. ., Lewis, K., Deres, H., Reineman, D., Davis, J., & Boehm, A. (2020). Participatory science for coastal water quality: freshwater plume mapping and volunteer retention in a randomized informational intervention. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 22, 918-929.
- Hamzah, L., Boehm, A., Davis, J., Pickering, A., Wolfe, M., Mureithi, M., & Harris, A. (2020). Ruminant Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water Introduced Post-Collection in Rural Kenyan Households. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 17(2), 608.
- Kwong, L., Ercumen, A., Unicomb, L. ., Davis, J., & Luby, S. (2019). Age-related changes to environmental exposure: variation in the frequency that young children place hands and objects in their mouths. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 30, 205-216.
- Harris, A., Pickering, A., Boehm, A., Mrisho, M., & Davis, J. (2019). Comparison of analytical techniques to explain variability in stored drinking water quality and microbial hand contamination of female caregivers in Tanzania. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 21(5), 893-903.
- Marks, S., Kumpel, E., Guo, J., Bartram, J., & Davis, J. (2018). Pathways to sustainability: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of rural water supply programs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 789-798.
- Laramee, J., Tilmans, S., & Davis, J. (2018). Costs and benefits of biogas recovery from communal anaerobic digesters treating domestic wastewater: Evidence from peri-urban Zambia. Journal of Environmental Management, 210, 23-35.
- Kwong, L., Ercumen, A., Pickering, A., Unicomb, L., Davis, J., & Luby, S. (2017). Environmental Exposure of Rural Bangladeshi Children 3-18 months old from hand-and object-mouthing. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95(5), 582-583.
- Crider, Y., Sultana, S., Unicomb, L., Davis, J., Luby, S., & Pickering, A. (2017). Can you taste it? Taste detection and acceptability thresholds for chlorine residual in drinking water in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment, 613, 840-846.
- Steinbaum, L., Njenga, S., Kihara, J., Boehm, A., Davis, J., Null, C., & Pickering, A. (2016). Soil-Transmitted Helminth Eggs Are Present in Soil at Multiple Locations within Households in Rural Kenya. PLOS One.
- Kwong, L., Ercumen, A., Pickering, A., Unicomb, L., Davis, J., & Luby, S. (2016). Hand- and Object-Mouthing of Rural Bangladeshi Children 3-18 Months Old. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6), 563.
- Tilmans, S., Russel, K., Sklar, R., Page, L., Kramer, S., & Davis, J. (2015). Container-based sanitation: assessing costs and effectiveness of excreta management in Cap Haitien, Haiti. Environment and Urbanization, 27(1), 89-104.
- Marks, S., Onda, K., & Davis, J. (2013). Does sense of ownership matter for rural water system sustainability? Evidence from Kenya. Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development, 3(2), 122-133.
- Pickering, A., & Davis, J. (2012). Freshwater availability affects child health in sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(4), 2391–2397.
- Boudet, H., Jayasundera, D., & Davis, J. (2011). Drivers of Conflict in Developing Country Infrastructure Projects: Experience from the Water and Pipeline Sectors. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(7).
- Davis, J., Pickering, A., Rogers, K., Mamuya, S., & Boehm, A. (2011). The Effects of Informational Interventions on Household Water Management, Hygiene Behaviors, Stored Drinking Water Quality, and Hand Contamination in Peri-Urban Tanzania. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 84(2), 184-191.
- Harris, A., Islam, M., Unicomb, L., Boehm, A., Luby, S., Davis, J., & Pickering, A. Fecal Contamination on Produce from Wholesale and Retail Food Markets in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 98(1), 287-294.